Joy, Didactics and Fluency. These 3 words could be a brief summary of how we could describe ourselves and what we like to transmit in our classes. We are both in constant training, from Feldenkrais and Thai Massage, to Contemporary dance and aguahara (Aquatic dance and therapy). Inspiring our dance from the roots of tango as well as all the other different disciplines that we are doing in our lives.
For more than 18 years we have been traveling around Europe and America, teaching in Tango Festivals, Tango Congresses, Contact Impro Festivals and Special Workshops. In Argentina, we teach in Mar del Plata, our hometown and in Buenos Aires, as well as in other cities of the country. We organize Contact Impro Festivals (this year will be the 11th) and Tangocontact Meetings in Mar del Plata and other cities (this year will be the 7th).
It is all about DANCING, SHARING and HAVING JOY.
Roxana Umpierr, born in Mar del Plata, has been dancing tango for more than 26 years and teaching since 2000. She has studied Contact Impro, Body Expression, Body Therapies and Aquatic Dance. She has a fluid movement that expresses comfort and organicity. She is a Massage and Aquatic Therapist (Aguathai). She organizes dance festivals in Mar del Plata and other cities in Argentina and Brazil. Since 2007 she travels to Europe to teach in festivals and other events.
Cacu Lucero, was born in the sea of Argentina, in Mar del Plata. He is in constant transformation expanding what he has learned. Tango is alive inside him, constantly updating and growing. Since 2005 he travels around Europe and America, teaching in more than 20 countries around the world. Since 2012 he and Roxana have been developing Tangocontact, which they initially called “Experimental Tango”. A space of research within the dance itself to expand after their Tango. Pure creativity and sensations mixed with strong technique and improvisation.
Since my early adulthood, when I started doing dance and theatre, I discovered my passion for facilitating groups. So I started to gather knowledge and tools from different forms of physical expression such as theatre games, physical theatre, dance theatre, primitive dance, contact improvisation etc.
In my workshops, regardless of the specific topic, I try to create an open and safe space where people can genuinely express themselves, interact with tenderness, stimulate their curiosity and expand their consciousness, thus constructing a collective learning process with the potential for social transformation.
In 2015 I started offering experimental tango and theatre workshops in Patra, Greece. In 2017 I founded a tango collective in Athens called “Initiative of Restless Tanguer@s” with the aim of addressing issues such as sexism, homophobia and discrimination in general within the tango community, while establishing a horizontal way of organisation.
Since 2021 I live in Bologna where I work at a cultural center called
“Camere d’Aria”, run local and international socio-cultural projects, teach tango, organise milongas and TDJ.