Monday 19/8

19.00 – 22.00  Welcoming Tango Workshop

“The art of communication within the embrace”

Tuesday 20/8

10.00 – 13.00 Introduction to TangoContact

“The principles of tango and contact are mixed and combined to integrate many aspects of dance”

19.00 – … Opening circle and campfire at the beach



Wednesday 21/8

16.00 – 19.00 TangoContact 1
“The 3 spheres, 3 diaphragms that create a particular organisation in our body”

21.00 – 00.00 Pratica

Thursday 22/8

10.00 – 11.30 Breathing Workshop

11.30 – 13.00 contact Improvisation 1

“Spirals and invitation to movement”

16.00 – 17.30 Tango 1

“Weight on both leg”

17.30 – 19.00 TangoContact 2

“Small lifts and transitions of the embrace”

21.00 – 00.00 Pratica


Friday 23/8

10.00 – 11.30 5 rhythms session

11.30 – 13.00 Contact Improvisation 2
El agua que nos mueve”

16.00 – 17.30 Tango 2

Easy back sacada”

17.30 – 19.00 TangoContact 3

“From zero point to infinity”

21.00 – 01.00 Milongjam

Saturday 24/8

11.00 – 14.00 Share and Care
Final session


20.00 – … Gran MIlongjam with introduction to Chacarera (Argentinian Folklore)



Welcoming Tango Workshop
“The art of communication within the embrace”

A study of the forces and energies that live inside the embrace, to make it softer and clearer when walking, inviting to turn and letting the spiral be transmitted through the whole body. We will combine the musical dimension of tango with some particular “steps” such as giros, sacadas and turns, all surrounded by somatic and biomechanical aspects of the movements.

We aim to achieve a “dance state” in which we can connect with our own dance and that of our partner. To feel that we dance with each other, with a proposal of movements that is constantly filled with mutual listening and communication. Without fixed and rigid “roles”. To reach the “tango” form through a pleasurable feeling.

Introduction to TangoContact
“The principles of tango and contact are mixed and combined to integrate many aspects of dance”

Dancing with and without music. Dancing vertically and also including the low level.  Dancing in duo, solo, trio, with the whole group. Perform tango steps such as boleos, sacadas, giros, extending it to the full potential of the spirals. Off-axis, such as colgadas or volcadas, extending them to falls and lifts. This introduction is to make you feel the potential of your own dance, and from there, to connect with the potential of other people. Together with music, space, improvisation and creativity.

TangoContact 1
“the 3 spheres, 3 diaphragms that create a particular organisation in our body”

The head, the torso and the pelvis. From the anatomical structure to the internal connections we will create movements to connect these 3 spheres. Walking in tango or rolling from the principles of the Contact Impro can be studied from any of these 3 diaphragms individually, or from their connection. We will study non-typical ways of walking, as in communication within a trio, ways of entering the floor.

Breathing Workshop

In this workshop we will work on becoming aware of our breathing and practice the diaphragmatic breathing, consciously engaging our diaphragm  in order to take deep breaths. Then we will see how the way I breath defines my body condition thus the quality of my movement and the communication with my partner. 

Contact Improvisation 1
“Spirals and invitation to movement”

We will begin to deepen on the fundamental communicative aspect of dance.
The invitation to a movement, letting go of any expectation of the outcome.
The opposite of manipulation or “directing” a movement.
How we can open our skin to receive and give from this attitude, this quality of movement.
From there, how the spirals appear, how we can follow them, reading each other’s spirals.

Tango 1
Weight on both legs”

The awareness of using the body’s weight on both legs, in order to move inside the 2 points of reference that the legs create. Ondulations, waving , change of directions and elastic movements can be performed when concsiously controlling the transference of weight. And by doing this we can also reach easily the musicality interpretative dimension.

TangoContact 2
“Small lifts and transitions of the embrace”

We will allow small lifts to appear, in a gentle way, within the dance and the embrace. How feet on the ground can be part of a relaxed embrace that allows us to be creative, to be a strong base for a person who is flying, to be a base in movement.

5 rhythms session

We will enter in the 5 rhythms wave “Flow – Staccato – Chaos – Lyrical – Stillness ” to reach a meditative state that can allow us to expand our capacity of observing how our body moves , understanding how our feelings may guide and define its movement and listening thoroughly to what my partner’s body communicates to me.

Contact Improvisation 2
El agua que nos mueve”

“the water that moves us” is a workshop about being moved by more than our “intention”. What is it that moves the group, where does this movement take us? 

The “little dance”. How can we relax our joints to allow the transmission of energy?  Skin, muscle and bone level, fasciae. Spirals and body organisation. Some of the concepts we will analyse to flow with this purpose.

Tango 2
Easy back sacada”

In this workshop we want you to experience how easy it can be to perform a back sacada (normally labelled as a difficult step), with a previous work of back crossing, embrace and understanding of the energies involved. We will integrate the previous work of spirals and body organisation, with the possibility of “letting go” of the embrace, performing a back sacada with a “soltada”. And we will explore the possibilities of the resulting energy.

Tangocontact 3
“From zero point to infinity”

What is the “zero point” at the meeting of two bodies? The relationship between the axis and the off-axis.The request of a movement. Giving or asking for support. Using arms and body to enter the floor. Accompanying our partner on their journey to the ground and being available to be a support when they return to verticality – how elastic movements work within this dynamic.